Friday, January 9, 2009

Trip to Powell

We made a quick trip back to Powell this week to see Boo's brother Chad, his wife Jennifer and their kids Austin, Brennon and Cailynn, as they were here from Texas. Their kiddos don't get to play in the snow like ours do so we made a trip up to Pahaska, close to the Yellowstone border, to go sledding.

Damen taking a break from the strenuous hike up the hill. The boys hiking up the hill so they could go sledding down. Yes boys... Chad and his boys Austin and Brennon, Boo, Quinn, Dillon, Devin, and Damen, and Grandpa Bob, the girls stayed home, except me, as Baby Cailynn wasn't feeling well. The snow was about 3 feet deep and LOTS of fun.

Me, Quinn, baby Cailynn (Chad's and Jenn's 9 month old daughter)
and Dillon peeking in from behind.

Devin petting the goat across the road.

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