Grandma and I could not be left out of the fun! No we did not collect candy, we helped carry the bags as they got quite full rather quickly. About 5 minutes around the neighborhood Dillon ran into a group of friends from school and ditched us. However, he actually got home before we did so they must not have been much fun :) Boo, Grandpa Kim, and Uncle Shane stayed home and handed out candy. Uncle Shane came and picked up Damen after only a couple of blocks of Trick-or-Treating, guess his bag was full enough. Devin wanted to keep on going until his bag was full to the top. It was a beautiful night, no wind, and little chill factor so we were able to keep on going, about 1 1/2 hours worth. We didn't make it to a completely full bag before it was time to call it a night. Believe me he got plenty of candy.
Damen is a little Devil (pretty fitting), Dillon is an Old Man, and Devin is the Grim Reaper. Quinn decided against going...must be an age thing? I thought I went when I was in high school??

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